Dear friends of GPS determination. Am I in the right part of the forum? A Quectel employee has asked me to post my request here in the Quectel forum:
A few days ago I received an evaluation kit of the LC29HEA, which already works in the basic setting.
But for my GIS software I need other rover parameters, and I don’t have any manual or configuration guide.
Please could someone give me instructions on how to set the receiver differently with QGNSS 2.0?
Is there a table with the syntax and the commands, how to set the baud rate and the data output rate differently, or how to take parts of the sent data set in or out?
I need the maximum baud rate of 115200 and a data output rate of 1Hz for my GIS applications in RTK mode.
Many thanks in advance for your support and all the best
The following commands are present in the LC29H GNSS protocols manual (Quectel_LC29H_Series&LC79H(AL)_GNSS_Protocol_Specification_V1.3.pdf):
PAGE 106 of 117:
Sets the baud rate of UART interface. Type: Set
PAGE 108 of 117:
Gets the baud rate of the UART interface. Type: Get
I have no idea what the difference is between the two but it might help with your problem
one command is the SET the value the other one is the Get commands (to read the actual value).
For changing baudrate the command is ->$PAIR864,0,0,115200*1B → setting to 115k
Actual value of the baudrate on LC29HEA is higher than 115200bps, because the module is at 10Hz update rate.
Maybe try to lower to 1Hz before with proper command.