EG25-G GPS issue

I`m currently using the EG25-G.
Our module was working well however out of a sudden it stopped getting GPS data.

I found that other people had similar issues, like in this forum:

However solution is not clear.

From the logs, I have good signal strength and satellites are visible.

Follows some logs from the device:

Module is active.

Retrieving GPS location…

Sending command: AT

Response: OK

Sending command: AT+CSQ

Response: +CSQ: 17,99

Sending command: AT+CFUN=1

Response: OK

Sending command: AT+QGPS=1

Response: OK

Sending command: AT+QGPSGNMEA=“GSV”


+QGPSGNMEA: $GPGSV,4,1,15,02,13,261,40,08,63,255,35,16,07,192,30,21,32,258,44,169*

+QGPSGNMEA: $GPGSV,4,2,15,07,10,61,139,13,03,358,14,07,336,157*

+QGPSGNMEA: $GPGSV,4,3,15,15,14,026,18,06,082,23,43,064,24,155*

+QGPSGNMEA: $GPGSV,4,4,15,27,58,170,30,08,310,32,04,139,159*


Sending command: AT+QGPSLOC?

Response: +CME ERROR: 516

Sending command: AT+QGPSLOC=2

Response: +CME ERROR: 516

Sending command: AT+QGPSEND

Response: OK

Sending command: AT+CGMR

Response: EG25GGBR07A08M2G


How to fix this issue?

This error code usually indicates that the GPS hardware connection is abnormal or the circuit design is not reasonable, I recommend you to check it carefully

ok @herbert.pan-Q . However from the logs, I have good signal strength and satellites are visible. So it doesn’t seem to be hardware-related.
Is there any firmware update that should be done? I read in another forum someone from Quectel sending a new firmware version to another person.

I have sent the latest firmware to you,pls check and try

ok thanks. I flashed the new firmware version (EG25GGBR07A08M2G_30.204.30.204). During this initial ~1 hour of test, it seems way more stable and I`m not getting the errors anymore from the GPS location.

Hello, can you please provide me the firmware EG25GGBR07A08M2G_30.204.30.204? Is it the latest version? I downgraded to and now my EG25-G MINIPCIE device is not working

I have sent the latest firmware to you,pls check and try