EC600 MQTT Connection getting disconnect randomly after few seconds

Hello Everyone
I am using EC600. Facing a problem in MQTT connection. MQTT connection getting disconnect after few seconds.
Here i find a CallBack function (mqtt_state_exception_cb) getting call by:
ql_mqtt_connect(&mqtt_cli, url, mqtt_connect_result_cb, NULL, (const struct mqtt_connect_client_info_t *)&client_info, mqtt_state_exception_cb);

static void mqtt_state_exception_cb(mqtt_client_t *client)
LOGData(TAG_MQTT,“mqtt session abnormal disconnect”);
if(*client == mqtt_cli){
MQTTMainClient.State = MQTT_INIT;
LOGData(TAG_MQTT,“cn cb cli not match : exp %d, got %d”,mqtt_cli,*client);


Can Anyone explain me ql_mqtt_connect API how it is implemented and i am unable to see Function Defination in SDK.

May I ask what version of the SDK you are using?