EC25E Latest Firmware

Yes this time i received the file and was able to download it.
However the image only contains the image files. Where is the manual for how to do the update and do i need any kind of tool to do that ?
I found some posts mentioning QFlash or QFirehose.
Where can i download that ?

I have sent Qflash and Qfirehose to you

Again i havenā€™t received anything.
Did you use the gmail address ?
If not please send it there again.

Can you provide another valid email address

I only have these 2 email address:

Last time i was able to receive the firmware you sent using SharePoint through the Gmail address.
If you canā€™t get that to work please figure out a solution on your end since i donā€™t have an infinite amount of email address or other places you can send things to me.

I have sent Qflash and Qfirehose to you again

Thanks. I received the files and was able to successfully update the firmware.

Can you please sent me the latest firmware too ?

The modem is currently running:


Kindly, share with me!

I have sent it to you,pls check

I have sent it to you,pls check