EC25-AUX latest firmware

I have sent it to your email,pls try

@herbert.pan-Q Hello, could I please get the latest firmware for the EC25AUX? Some info on how to do the update would be appreciated too.

Revision: EC25AUXGAR08A03M1G


I have sent it to your email,pls try

@herbert.pan-Q I recieved your email thank you but it was the old version. Could you please send me this version: EC25AUXGAR08A05M1G_01.004.01.004. and the latest version?

I have re-sent it to your email,pls try again

Will the firmware work on the EC25AUXGAR08A03M1G revision?

pls run AT Command to query detail version


Hello @herbert.pan-Q, could you send latest firmware to me as well?


I have sent it to your email,pls check

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Hello @herbert.pan-Q could you be so kind to send me the latest firmware version please?



I have sent it to your email,pls check

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Here is the output. Could you send your latest firmware to my email please?

I require a version greater than GAR09 to fix a bug. Not sure what the latest version is. Is this available for the AUX version?

I have sent it to your email,pls check

I have sent it to your email,pls try again

Thank you @herbert. I Noticed the file was for EUX not AUX. Will it still work?

Hello again, just wondering the above. Will this work?

I have resent it to your email,pls try again

Please could you give me the version: EC25AUXGAR08A07M1G_01.001.01.001.

I currently have the version: EC25AUXGAR08A02M1G_01.001.01.001

I have sent the latest firmware to your email,pls try again