The wireless communication module keeps turning off in Windows 11 and sometimes it works It is not possible to turn it on and off in Windows 11 My driver is from 2015 Please provide the latest firmware and drivers for Windows 11 PRO
Please check the EC20CEHCLGR06A14M1G_AUD. I have sent it.
Normally as I know, for Korea, it is better to try the EC25E, the module you tried might not work well in Korea.
Thank you for your consideration.
When EC20 is doing well, it’s fine, so it’s fine.
“No Key(json,blf) file is found, this zip file maybe a invalid zip or you downloadmode is not right, please check it.”
Is there a workaround?
thank you so much
I solved it by unzipping it.
The driver was also installed fine. You can now turn WWAN on and off in Windows 11. The EC20 module also works well in Korea. Thanks to you, it was solved well and I will write it well, thank you.
OK. Please test it.
EC20 just support part of the bands that used in Korea. But EC25EFA is fully supported. Quectel have the customerized EC25EFA version for Korea.