Connect module to Azure IoT Hub

hi, bilal_farooq:
I am very sorry that I cannot use it in China. If you still cannot solve your problem, I suggest that you describe the problem in detail and upload the related log, and then send an email to will have relevant R&D to handle the exception and help for you.

ok thanks i will write an email.

Hello bilal_farooq, I’m not using the .pem file, but when I tested your program with this change:

AT+QMTCFG=“pdpcid”,1,2 → AT+QMTCFG=“pdpcid”,1,1

it works for me.

Hi Bilal,

Were you able to connect to an IoT Hub using DPS? I am wondering if you could share your AT log? I’m not sure where to put the IDscope of the DPS.