Hi I have EC200UCN and trying to test the AT command through coolterm from Mac. I have used FTDI cables and connected the TX , RX and GND with the module and cable and powered the module via usb which gives 5v. I have setup the baud rate at the default 115200, 8N1. But not getting any response back from the module. Sometimes getting RDY or garbage if I press reset button. I tested the ftdi cable via loopback test it’s working fine.
Please help me on this.
Hi @Mainak_Jana,
May I ask which port did you used to send AT commands to the module? Could you try sending AT\r\n
or ATI\r\n
(CRLF is needed) and see if the module responds?
This is the port name: /dev/tty.usbserial-A50285BI . I have tried AT\r\n also no combination is working. 2 3 times I got CME 58 error along with some garbage chars when tried AT+CFUN=1 and AT+QSCLK=0 . But that also very rare, not everytime.
Does your cable support 1.8V UART? The module’s UART is 1.8V only.
Thanks for the point. it supports 3.3 and 5v. will try using 1.8
I kept it idle for long then suddenly it started working. But after restarting the modem. it stopped working. Is it due to voltage mismatch? just curious why it worked once when I kept powered on for long time.
I’m not sure. But the module’s UART is indeed 1.8V. Please use an adapter that supports this voltage.
(post deleted by author)
Hi there is a level shifter comes (YF08E) with the board. Shouldn’t that work?