Android RIL and GNSS driver for Android 13 on x86_64

By default the Quectel RIL is not opensource.
If you need, please contact sales. I can’t give it to you directly. Normally, you give a reason, you sign a confidentiality agreement, Quectel can send it to you.

Quectel international sale has accpet the email.
But I’m sorry, the code cannot be released for individual developers. According to Google, this code is not an open source code either.
If your company will use this module, please contact Quectel sales on behalf of your company. Instead of sending an email directly to, if you do business with Quectel, there will be a special sales and FAE to contact you.
I would also like to know where you bought the module from.
About the function, we can continue to communicate in the forum.

Sure we can continue this back and forth thing and waste even more time on both sides if that’s what your sales team wants. It doesn’t cost me any money so i have plenty of time.

Since you asked: I got the module from a popular Chinese online marketplace thats ships to almost anywhere in the world. (You can take a guess to which one I’m referring to).
Since I don’t know what you are going to do with that information i wont tell you which one though as i don’t want to get anyone there in trouble for offering your companies products for sale there.

As for my previous post i already suggested something that to me seems worth testing.
To sum it up again: The different between the log files where the auth type is printed seems relevant to me.
For the old version the correct value is printed but in the IRadio 1.6 version null is printed instead.
So if possible can you make a test build that hard codes that value so the authentication with the GSM network can hopefully succeed to see if that fixes the problem with voice calls and USSD codes ? Also it occurred to me that i never tested SMS so i will do that with the next build as well.

Also would you be so kind as to forward this next part to the sales team as they didn’t even bother replying to me email. Thank you very much.


Being treated as a second class customer just because you are an individual developer and not a company with tons of money to spend is a horrible experience and just makes your company look bad. There should not be any difference made to gaining access to your company products regardless of who wants to use them. Your company has decided on requiring a confidentiality agreement for gaining access to the source code. While that’s in my opinion just a useless hurdle it should not be used to discriminate people from getting access just because they aren’t associated with a company and just want their hobby project to work.
Also all of this does not have anything to do with "open source"ing your code at all. I do understand that you want to protect your company product with this and that’s ok with me even though i don`t really see the value hiding code that only translates publicly documented AT commands to a publicly available API.
Anyone who is bored enough and has enough free time on their hands can implement that on their own.
The user experience of getting your software / drivers / documentation is incredibly bad and i would not recommend anyone to buy a quectel product anymore knowing what i know now.
The files that can be downloaded on your on product website are out of date and to getting anything requires creating a forum account and begging for one of your employees to have mercy and send you the files through a private message or via email. Even if someone does provide the files that are needed the documentation is lacking or not provided at all.
I asked someone else to get the newest firmware and was after more then a week was finally provided with a working download link only to find that the file does not contain any documentation or tools necessary to actually do the firmware update.

Here WAS the products downloads website for the modem i bought:
I say was because now its a Page not found error.
And that like was still working before i noted to Biao Wang that i got the qmi_wwan driver from there. He then told me that the download there are completely outdated.
All of this is just a horribly bad joke for customer experience.

Thank you for your feedback.
As for auth and USSD code, I will try my own way to verify it locally. I’ll let you know if there’s any progress.
In fact, the most mainstream Quectel is RIL or 1.5, I think you can try it, I will try to provide it to you later, it can also be used on Android13.
For individual developers, we can release the data and documentation related to the module, but the RIL source code is not within this scope. The firmware and data you mentioned earlier I think Quectel did a really bad job.

Thanks a lot. I’ll be waiting for your update.
IRadio 1.5 is fine too i think.

Do you by any change have a more up to date package of documentation, tools and drivers similar to the one i was able to download from the now 404 products download page ? That would be very helpful.
I hope quectel will be able to streamline their process of delivering their documentation and software to customers in the future. It would make the experience of using the products a lot better.

If you need any document from Quectel, I can try my best to provide it.
The QUectel’s homepage and download page is a piece of shit, and a lot of the information is lagging. Much of the information is out of date. Even if the firmware version of Quectel was later updated, even the Quectel distributor did not know about it. That is why Quectel provide the forums for customers.
If you need any document please create a topic in the Driver section of the Forums and @Bean.Wang-Q .

I am on bussiness travel now for the Android RIL issue I will have time in the end of the next week.